Workplace Policy at Freedom Performance

At Freedom Performance, Our Workplace is Rooted in Growth, Excellence, and Balance.


Work-Life Harmony: We embrace an 'All In' philosophy, not just for our clients but also for our team. Recognizing that true balance fluctuates, we are committed to supporting our staff in achieving success both professionally and personally. We understand the importance of a healthy cycle between work and personal life and strive to create an environment where each employee can thrive in both realms.

Valuing People and Efforts: At Freedom Performance, we appreciate diversity in thoughts and ideas, focusing on individual efforts and attitudes rather than background or external characteristics. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and respected for their unique contributions.

Professional Development: Our team benefits from weekly in-person training sessions and comprehensive online training resources, covering everything from skill-specific knowledge to general business operations and sales strategies. We foster a culture of continuous learning, ensuring our staff have the tools needed for success. With plans for significant growth, we offer clear paths for career advancement, recognizing and rewarding excellence and adherence to our core values.

Health and Well-being: We prioritize the physical health and wellness of our team by offering full family memberships to our facility, discounts on additional services like physical therapy and personal training sessions, contributing to their overall well-being.

Team Culture of Collaboration: Our culture is driven by collaboration, open communication, and shared goals. We believe in empowering our staff, encouraging them to take initiative and lead in their areas of expertise. This approach fosters a positive, energetic work environment where team members support each other and celebrate collective achievements.

Structured Feedback and Growth: Utilizing the EOS business model from the book "Traction," we provide clear metrics for evaluation and goal-setting. Our structured 'score card' system and regular meetings – bi-weekly, quarterly, and yearly – ensure transparent and constructive feedback, facilitating continuous personal and professional growth.

Join Us at Freedom Performance: Become part of a team where your growth is our priority, and your well-being is integral to our collective success. Together, let's turn dreams into reality.